From Bulgaria

Accreditation, permit of residence, language, licensing, specialist training, et cetera.

From Bulgaria

Inlägg av orc »

Hi, people! I've recently discovered this forum and I'm very happy about it. I'm 3-year medical student from Bulgaria and I'm leaning towards surgical specialities
or anesthesiology. My question is : What the quality of residency programs in Sweden- I mean, as a international graduate are you treated as the Swedish residents? Is the healthcare system good, compared to Dennmark or Germany(which are my other options, I will be glad if you can compare the three). Thank you very much :party:
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Inlägg: 4718
Blev medlem: 22 apr 2008, 23:52


Inlägg av Nils »

The healthcare system is comparable with that of Denmark (the Nordic countries are quite similar, when compared to other countries). I do not know enough about the healthcare system of Germany to make a comparison with it.

As an international graduate, you would be expected to learn Swedish to a sufficient degree. For some patients, the quality of the physician's spoken Swedish language may also affect their appreciation of the physician, so I would recommend making an effort to get the pronounciation just right according to local standards.
(Unless you end up in Skåne, where I would instead recommend basing your spoken Swedish training on Swedish television programmes. "Skånska" is difficult for Swedes to understand. ;) )
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